For those individuals who are not intimately familiar with the commercial real estate, management and leasing business, and even for those who are, the process of calculating operating cost escalations and other additional rent billings for commercial building tenants remains something of a mystery. Brokers, attorneys, tenants and landlords negotiate these additional rent provisions of a lease with great vigor. However, despite noble intentions, gray areas of interpretation frequently exist in the lease language.
Further, once the negotiations are completed and the lease term has commenced, no truly knowledgeable entity watches over the operating cost escalation process on behalf of the tenant to ensure it is being billed correctly. One of the realities CyberLease has proven time and again is most landlords base their billings on their “standard” lease, not on your customized, uniquely negotiated lease document. As a result, tenants overpay millions of dollars in unnecessary additional rent payments to their landlords each year because they do not bother to question and verify their landlord's calculations.

Considering the fact most leases include uniquely negotiated provisions, statistically over 80% of the additional rent (i.e., operating expenses, taxes, utilities, etc.), billings issued to tenants are incorrect. Approximately 30% of landlord billings have material errors of between $2.00 and $5.00 per square foot, and often greater than even $10.00 per square foot.
The mystery of operating expenses is knowing how to determine whether your lease(s) have been accurately implemented by your landlord(s). CyberLease's services are designed to take the mystery out of operating costs and other rental escalations by ensuring the annual billings commercial real estate tenants pay comply with the terms of their individual leases, current market conditions and generally accepted accounting principles. CyberLease’s experience, expertise and skill sets efficiently and successfully identify overcharges. As importantly, in our 20+ year history, we have provided our clients with the most successful lease audit programs and results available while always providing a positive return on our clients’ investments.